Nandi Mngoma's family says no to lobola

So finally it is official that Nandi Mngoma and Zakes Bantwini are a serious item... OOh la la.

This is how the story goes: Zakes is ready to ask for Nandi's hand in marriage. As the zulu culture goes the lady has to go and ask her parents for a date on which the boyfriend can come and pay lobal an official way to say thank you to the girlfriends family and a why to ask for her hand in marriage.

A source told the papers the Nandi's family refused to give Nandi a for Zakes to come and pay the lobal by saying their daughter because she's still too young for marriage.... Ayibo kanthi what kind of family would let their daughter carry on with ukhujola. I thought that the family would be happy for her.... ayi mina angazi..
