Day 9 of our 30 day flat belly challenge - breakfast

Good morning and Happy Sunday - sipes smoothie

Day 9 of our 30 day flat belly challenge - breakfast

Baked Eggs in the Basket

2 pieces of bread
2 eggs
Salt and pepper
Minced fresh chives, or any other green herb you like

A muffin tray

Preheat oven to 190 degrees; generously butter two muffin wells. Trim the bread to fit inside the muffin wells. Place a piece of bread into each well, then gently crack an egg into each piece of bread. Sprinkle a little salt and pepper on top of each egg and bake until the egg reaches your desired consistency (about 14-18 minutes gives set whites with runny yolks; increase time from there if you like a more well done yolk). To serve, let the egg baskets rest about 5 minutes in the tray, then run a sharp paring knife around the outside and use a fork to gently remove (if you used ramekins, you can serve them in the ramekins.) If desired, sprinkle minced fresh chives on top before serving. You can also serve with hollandaise if you like.

stick with me and all your meals will take just a few minutes to cook... *hides*

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