Nomzamo Mbatha (Thandeka Zungu) Leaving Isibaya

image: citizen

The 23-year-old actress who plays Thandeka Zungu posted a picture of herself with a closed Isibaya slate on Instagram this morning. In the caption she settled the rumours that have been lingering for months about her and Sdumo Mtshali who plays Sbu Ndlovu, leaving the show.

In the moving post, Nomzamo spoke of how she was distraught over her last scene, which was shot recently. She also spoke fondly of her onscreen family and how leaving them was a hard decision.

“Yesterday I cried. I sobbed because for the first time in my life I understood what it must feel like to give birth to a child, nurse it and then put it in a basket and leave it on someone’s doorstep.

“I wailed because my soul cried out to God to stop all that He was doing, come down and hold me so that I am reminded that He will never forsake me. Because liberation out of love has never felt so painful. I was leaving my family, it was my last slate,” she posted.

Nomzamo also touched on the friendship she shared with Sdumo, saying that there will never be another like it and that she valued their bond.

Mzansi Magic publicist Bongiwe Potelwa indirectly confirmed Nomzamo and Sdumo’s departure by stating that viewers would be able to see their characters for the next three months. She said an official statement would be issued by the channel in due course.

Source: sundayworld