Celebrating Perseid Meteor Shower the Google way...

I wake up this morning to a wonderful  moving illustrations of meteor showers with calm and soothing music playing in the background, an illustration of The Perseid Meteor Shower.

What is this Perseid Meteor Shower you may ask... Let me school you! The Perseid Meteor Shower is sparked every August when the Earth passes through a stream of space debris left by comet Swift-Tuttle. This Meteor Shower peaks on August 11 through August 13.

Every 133 years the giant comet swings through the inner solar system, leaving behind a trail of dust and grit. When Earth passes through the debris zone, specks of comet-stuff hit the atmosphere at 140,000 mph and disintegrate in flashes of light. These meteors are called Perseids because they fly out of the constellation Perseus.